» Social Skills Class

Speech Therapy

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Social Skills Class

SPECIALIZED PROGRAMS at Holsman Children's Therapy Center


Speech and Language and Social Skills Class Fair Lawn, NJ

They say the first three years of a child’s life are the most important in developing the foundation for academic success and a big part of the reason why is the development of speech and speech patterns. If children don’t have a solid foundation at this age, it can set them up for a lifetime of playing catch up. Whether you just want to give your child the best start possible, or you are worried about a specific delay or difference, Fair Lawn based Holsman Children's Therapy Center could be perfect for you and your child.

Holsman's Speech Social Skills class is a specialized drop-off class is perfect for little ones up to 3 1/2 years old. The class is a perfect way to help your little one develop a strong speech and language foundation, by teaching language and social skills through fun games that are designed to get your little one using his or her two lips!

There are a couple of things that set Holsman's speech social skills class apart from other classes that just teach social skills in the Bergen County area.

First off, Holsman's speech social skills class is a speech and language program that is actually taught by Speech Language Pathologists. Holsman's Speech Social Skills class teaches foundational language skills and prepares children for preschool while having fun and making friends.

Sessions are ideal for typically developing children as well as those identified with speech, language, or other developmental delays. The speech pathologist will be focused on your child and their individual development, matching these against developmental guidelines, so that you won’t have to worry about keeping track of every milestone your child should have reached.Best of all, it is a fun time for your little one, with lots of opportunities for socialization in a structured environment! Each class has a routine so that your little one will come knowing what to expect each week. New themes and topics are introduced to keep the lessons fun and exciting. Holsman's Speech Social Skills class helps with a child’s speech and language, following directions, creating positive behaviors, class routine, social skills and so much more!


Social Skills Fair Lawn

Social skills intervention often begins with developing basic turn-taking routines, expanding gestures, and establishing joint attention. Later on, children may engage in activities regarding expressing thoughts and feelings, maintaining conversation, reading social stories, and role-playing.

This direct and specific social skills instruction is currently missing from the variety of therapeutic services offered. Holsman Children's Therapy Center's Speech Therapy develops social skills groups, based not only on a diagnosis, but developmental and chronological age as well. Organizing groups this way will ensure the effectiveness of the teaching, as interactions will be presented at their current level of functioning. The world often assumes that a bright, academically achieving child or teen will automatically and intuitively learn social skills from their environment and experiences. However, for many children and teens, their social development is not commensurate with their intelligence and acquiring the skills necessary to navigate the social world is not intuitive. To achieve social success and master subtleties of the “social code”, pragmatic language and social skills must be taught in a systematic way and carried over to the home and school when possible.

For most children, basic social skills (e.g., turn-taking, initiating conversation) are acquired quickly and easily. For children with ASD and other developmental disorders, however, social skills often need to be taught explicitly, and not simply by exposure to social situations early age in order to establish a foundation for life. Social skills instruction for these children need to be guided in a systematic hierarchy at them to build upon.
Social Skills Groups are designed for students who demonstrate difficulty with any of the following:

Trouble with peer interaction
Shy or awkward
Reduced eye contact
Flat affect
Want to “run the show”
Poor turn taking
Delayed response
Understanding social cues

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