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Speech Therapy

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Speech Therapy Programs

Therapy Programs

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) seeks to correct behaviors and patterns created by inappropriate muscle function and incorrect habits involving the tongue, lips, jaw and face (Orofacial Myofunctional disorders). These may include tongue thrust (thrusting the tongue against or between the teeth during swallowing or at rest), inappropriate tongue resting posture and open-mouth/lips apart resting posture.  Elimination of improper oral habits including thumb and finger sucking are often included in an OMT program.  Studies have shown that treatment can be 80%-90% effective in correcting swallowing and tongue rest posture. Exercises are also beneficial for various articulation disorders, including interdental lisp. 

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT)

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT), designed by Dr. Katherine Verdolini, is a program that targets treatment of voice disorders resulting from both hyper- and hypo-function of the vocal cords. The program focuses on teaching the client how to achieve an optimal configuration of the vocal cords (barely apart or barely together) by increasing sensory awareness and response to vibrations in the face.  The client self-monitors these sensations and is guided by the clinician until s/he can identify those associated with her/his best resonant voice quality. The goals are to speak in a clear, strong voice with little effort, prevent injury to the vocal cords and reverse injury if present.

Casper-Stone Confidential Flow Therapy (CSCFT)

Casper-Stone Confidential Flow Therapy (CSCFT) was developed by Dr. Katherine Verdolini and Dr. Jackie Gartner-Schmidt. Based on the work of Dr. Janina Casper and Dr. Ed Stone, CSCFT teaches clients how to prevent vocal cord injury and utilize their voices efficiently (without strain) by first speaking with breathy voice and then learning how to safely make the voice louder.  Similar to Lessac-Madsen Voice Therapy (LMRVT), the client is taught how to achieve optimal configuration of the vocal cords and how to self- monitor productions in order to identify those behaviors associated with his/her best voice quality.

The Compton Pronouncing English As A Second Language Program (Compton P-ESL)

The Compton P-ESL program is a method of modifying a foreign accent so that non-native English speakers can be better understood in professional and business situations. After undergoing a detailed speech analysis, a speech professional then teaches the client speech modification techniques, as well as the basic sounds and principles of American English. Depending on the client's speech analysis, programs may be scheduled in either 7 or 13 weekly, consecutive sessions. Special emphasis is placed on pronunciation, complete word projection and voice projection. Upon completion of the program, the client's speech is analyzed again. Those who attend sessions consistently and practice daily can expect to achieve at least a 50% change in their accent or dialect.

Want to get started? Contact us today! 201-351-1682 or email us at fairlawn@holsmanhealthcare.com

Fast ForWord

Fast ForWord, a computer-based program developed by Scientific Learning, accelerates learning by applying proven research on how the brain learns. The program uses interactive, intensive, animated exercises to build the cognitive skills essential for learning and reading success including memory, attention, processing and sequencing. Individuals use the products 30-90 minutes per day, 5 days a week for 4-12 weeks. Each day's results are transmitted via the Internet to Scientific Learning which produces reports that professionals can use to guide a student's progress. Clients can realize achievement gains of up to 2 years in as little as 3 months and maintain an accelerated rate of learning even after the programs end. The programs' results have been demonstrated in over 250 research studies and are used in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Treatment Techniques:

PROMPT Therapy treatment

PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) is a technique that utilizes tactile, kinesthetic and proprioceptive cues to facilitate speech output for a variety of speech disorders. Developed by Deborah Hayden, PROMPT assists clients in gaining “voluntary control motor-speech systems and links the necessary motor movements to linguistic (word, phrase) equivalents for use in functional communication.” PROMPT has been found effective for treatment of apraxia, dysarthria and speech disorders related to hearing impairment.

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